Educational Service and Student Development Affairs
Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University
Educational Service and Student Development Affairs
The Educational Service and Student Development Affairs governs every curriculum management in the faculty including the Bachelor of Architecture program, the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Program, the Bachelor of Science Program in Architecture, the Bachelor of Science Program in Integrated Design in Emerging Architecture (International Program), the Master of Architecture Program in Architecture, the Master of Architecture Program in Architecture (International Program), the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Architecture (International Program), and Arch CMU Lifelong Education.
Student Affairs Unit
The Student Affairs Unit is to develop the quality of students through providing services and welfares, for example, scholarships, extra activities, consultations, and skills and knowledge training for students to promote and support student affairs to enhance students’ quality, virtue, and value to be sincere, responsible, and volunteer. Besides, the unit provides the supporting budgets and suggestions for any activities of students in which the dean nominates the vice dean for student affairs for being responsible for the faculty’s students’ activities.
Education Budget and Student Quality Development
Administrate all curriculums
Govern registration and teaching since the university admission until the graduation
Improve curriculums
Certify the quality in education of curriculums
Govern the curriculum budgets
The Secretary of Board of Directors in Curriculums
Student Affairs Unit
Student affairs
The student union, extracurriculars, and sports
Scholarships and student loan funds (Income Contingent Loan and Student Loan Fund)
Student Regulations Division
Student Welfare and Mental Health Counseling
Student Organization and Activities (CMU-MIS/CMU-SD)