Activity : Professor Emeritus Dr. Hiroaki Kimura was Conferred an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Architecture from Chiang Mai University, Academic Year 2019

Date : Jan 27, 20
Place : Chiang Mai University Convention Center

Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University congratulate Professor Emeritus Dr. Hiroaki Kimura on the occasion of being conferred an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Architecture from Chiang Mai University, academic year 2019.

Professor Emeritus Dr. Hiroaki Kimura is a scholar and an architect who is internationally recognized for his architectural knowledge and achievements. He was awarded with so many rewards, for example, the Honor of Fellows, The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (Hon.FRIAS) in 2015 while only three Japanese architects received this reward. His work and design are unique and different from other architects. He is an expert who can greatly teach the students to be independent and have courage to explore the world. He has been collaborating in organizing the international architectural workshop between Kyoto Institute of Technology and the Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University since 2009, having students from Kyoto Institute of Technology and the Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University participate in the mentioned annual workshop. This is the beginning of the Master of Architecture Degree Program (international program), a joint degree between Kyoto Institute of Technology and Chiang Mai University, which was established in 2017. The collaboration helps create internationalization in Chiang Mai University and a good relationship in the architecture field to become more modern. It also the students in understanding different cultures. One of Professor Emeritus Dr. Hiroaki Kimura famous works in Chiang Mai University is Chiang Mai University 50th Anniversary Project, Hariphunchai Campus Library & Learning Center.

Apart from Professor Emeritus Dr. Hiroaki Kimura, there are many professors who was conferred an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Architecture from Chiang Mai University including Dr. Jullatat Kitibud, Honorary Doctoral Degree in Architecture Academic Year 2003, Dr. Nithi Sthapitanonda, Honorary Doctoral Degree in Architecture Academic Year 2016, and Professor Dr. Masao Furuyama, Honorary Doctoral Degree in Architecture Academic Year 2017.